Digital Macksville

Macksville, Kansas

10- Housing Unit


10- Housing Unit


Macksville, Kansas -- History

Macksville, Kansas Centennial

Stafford County, Kansas


Section of the Macksville Centennial Book dealing with Macksville's Housing Unit


Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press, Inc.


Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas


Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas











Stafford County, Kansas

Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press, Inc., “10- Housing Unit,” Digital Macksville, accessed January 30, 2025,

Macksville and Dillwyn Telephone Company, serving mostly east of town, Macksville, Prattsburg and Nora Telephone Company, serving south of town and Macksville Cooperative Telephone Association serving mainly within the City and possibly west of town. These were no doubt formed about the same time.
All the rural phone lines were the single line and ground type. As time passed, the lines became increasingly difficult to maintain and in the late 1940’s the Valley Center Telephone Company decided to re-build to a complete new metalic line system.
The new metalic line was completed in 1949 for the Valley Center Telephone Co.
The other rural companies were contemplating similar action but about mid 1955 a purchaser became interested in purchasing the rural companies and the Macksville Switchboard Association. Due to the rapidly advancing technology and the deterioration of several of the party lines, the various companies verbally agreed to sell the assets and franchise.
August 16, 1956 a Telephone Sales Agreement was
made between Valley Center Telephone Co. and Mid-Kansas Telephone Inc. subject to similar agreements between Macksville and Dillwyn Telephone Company; Macksville, Prattsburg and Nora Telephone Company; and Macksville Cooperative Telephone Association as sellers and Mid-Kansas Telephone, Inc. as purchaser.
This sales contract was satisfied and the sale was completed in the fall of 1958.
The Mid Kansas Telephone Co. operated for a few years then they sold to Continental Telephone Co. of Kansas.
Since the total sale in 1958 the lines have been buried which has eliminated the ice storm hazard which was one of the many problems of the early systems. Also many advanced technologies have been initiated including dial phones, automatic switchboard, direct dialing, touch tone and as other advances in technology are made available they are added to our system. It would have been impossible for the rural systems of 50 years ago to have kept up with these advances in a uniform way.
Russell S. Walker
In 1968, following a study by a committee appointed by the City Council on the possibility of building a nursing home, it was voted to purchase ground and begin construction. At a special meeting on May 24, Don Tillery, Mayor; Jerry Heimiller, Linus Scheck, Donald Sparks, Bob DeGarmo, Chet Cale, Contractor; Cayton and Jones, Architects; Engelhardt and Gilliam Engineers; and A.H. Speer, Bondsman formulated plans for a new $400,000 nursing home.
On December 12 official ground breaking on the site of the old grade school was held with over 100 attending from Macksville and surrounding area. Officials attending were L.L. Shaw, Master of Ceremonies; Irma Smith, Donald Sparks, John "Scottie" Grant, Jerry Heimiller, Don Tillery, Bob DeGarmo, Linus Scheck, Paul Schnoebelen, Willis Shaffer, Speaker of Hutchinson and members of the Ambassador Club and Chamber of Commerce from Hutchinson. A reception was later held at the Grace Methodist Church.
On Jan. 22, 1970 Parkview opened with Mrs. Bertha McMillan being the first resident and Don Tillery the first administrator of the forty-eight bed home. Irma Smith donated a new wing in 1972 making a sixty-bed home.
For over ten years Parkview was managed locally by a local board elected by stockholders with a consultant hired from Mid America Nursing Home Incorporated.
In March of 1981 the City Council and Parkview Manor Board sold the home to Mid America and in 1984 Beverly Enterprises purchased it.
Parkview Manor has seen many changes through the years and still remains a beautiful home.
Macksville was in need of more housing, especially for the low-income elderly, so a survey was taken to get
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names of probable renters and the amount of interest shown by the community toward this project.
Sealed bids were received for this construction. Vern A. Nelson, Architect AIA & Associates of Shawnee Mission, Kansas was the planning architect. Umphrey Builders, Inc., Salina, Kansas, was the successful bidder. Construction was completed in December 1982. This project is financed by Farmers Home Administration.
This project consists of eight (8) one-bedroom units, a lovely Recreation room for the use of all tenants, a laun-
dry with coin-operated washer and dryer. There is an outside storage shed to be used as needed by the tenants. The yard is large and well-lighted.
All units are now occupied. Ruth Van Arsdale is Chairperson of this project.
Macksville Pride Committee has been one of the boosters of this Housing project, having donated $500.00 toward the purchase price of the land. This is an addition of which all Macksville can be proud.
Written by Mildred Prescott
About the year of 1915 some Macksville citizens and newly formed Research Club began to plan a city park. George Mack, founder of Macksville, had planned to donate a block of ground east of Main Street, however, it had to be sold for tax purposes. Later, H.D. Prose purchased the block with the intent of building a home. J.M. Hammond, President of the Commercial Club, pushed for funds so the city could secure the land which became the official site for a city park. Some years passed and improvements began when a landscape gardener from Manhattan was hired to draw park blueprints. Trees and shrubs were planted. A.J. Smith, E.J. Westgate and Mr. Hammond were the first trustees.
In 1933, P.H. Zuercher, Mayor, found that money could be secured from a Federal setup known as KERC. Some brick sidewalks were laid and a water system installed. On the Park Committee for the City Council were Irwin Elmore and Claude Sparks with L.L. Shaw joining two years later.
In 1935 when A.J. Bock was elected Mayor he expressed the desire to push for completion with more brick walks and lights added, a foundation installed, as well as tables and benches built. Research Club maintained interest and helped with fund raising and advice through the years.
In 1937, Mrs. J.T. (Irma) Smith, Park Chairman for Research Club, supervised the planting of 400 pieces of shrubbery donated by the club. James Starke, County Engineer, set stakes for the shrubbery planting and Herman Beiser laid more brick walks. Frank Fuqua was caretaker.
In 1939 plans for the Amphitheatre (Band Shell) were formulated and later 28 men with 15 trucks hauled sand-
stone from Clark County. Church ladies treated the men to home cooked dinner that evening. Rocks from 48 states were inset in the stone located outside of the pillars. Also, a bridge over a small creek was built the same year. In use was the first public address system donated by Emil Frick.
In May 1940 the dedication for the building was celebrated.
A large closed-in shelterhouse with outside fireplace and several grills was built in 1952; also, that year the first “Homecoming” was held with eats, games, booths, etc.
Deedie Hudson near the band shell. Water in the park, river stream.
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