13- Macksville Newspapers
Collection: Macksville, Kansas Community History 1886-1986
13- Macksville Newspapers
Macksville, Kansas -- History
Macksville, Kansas Centennial
Stafford County, Kansas
Section of the Macksville Centennial Book dealing with Macksville Newspapers
Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press
Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas
Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas
Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press, “13- Macksville Newspapers,” Digital Macksville, accessed January 30, 2025, https://macksville.digitalsckls.info/item/14.
Building railroad grade.
Mr. Yates’ retirement party.
Beginning and Ending of Railroad Career At Macksville, Kansas
Mr. Walter Eugene Yates completed his telegraph schooling, July of 1912 at Chillicothe, Mo. Business College, he was sent to Macksville, Kansas that same month, to serve his apprenticeship under the guidance of agent, Mr. Stoner. Mr. Yates was promoted and sent to Larned, Kansas as a telegraph operator Sept. of 1912.
It was at Larned, Kansas, Lena Inel Brownawell from Trenton, Mo. and Walter Eugene Yates were united in marriage March 19, 1915. One daughter, Kathern, was born to this union, in the year of 1919.
Mr. Yates first agent’s position was Zenith, Kansas, year of 1922. From Zenith, he transferred to Alden, Kansas, as depot agent, year of 1924. In the year of 1925 the Santa Fe Railroad opened up the branch line from Dodge City to Felt, Okla. Mr. Yates and family moved to Felt that year, Walter being the first depot agent at Felt.
In 1927, Mr. Yates “bid in” Offerle, Kansas, where Kathern started her first grade and finished high school.
Mr. Yates “bid in” the agents position at Macksville, Kansas, March of 1938. Mr. and Mrs. Yates moved to Macksville that spring. Mrs. Yates was also a Santa Fe operator and worked 2nd trick for her husband during World War II. Lena Yates organized the “Macksville Garden Club” at her home Jan. 29,1957, with the help of 20 of her Macksville friends. Lena was voted their first president.
Mrs. Lena Inel Yates passed away Jan. 30,1958.
Mr. Yates retired from the Santa Fe Railroad at Macksville, Kansas, where his career had begun, Dec. 16, 1970. Thus completing 58 years of faithful service with the Santa Fe Railroad. Mr. Yates maintained his home in Macksville until his death March 17,1974.
Macksville Newspapers
The Macksville Times May 6,1886 to October 5,1888. The Macksville Telephone May 17, 1889 to Feb. 28, 1890.
The Macksville Independent 1 year.
The Sun, Macksville, 11 months.
The Macksville Argus Oct. 5, 1900 to July 8, 1904. Miss M L. Doran was editor.
The Macksville Index for 3 years.
The Macksville Enterprise was established Aug. 5, 1904. John Lill and Jeff Burt of St. John were the publishers. J.C. Hinshaw purchased it in July 29, 1908. A.L. McMillan purchased it Dec. 1, 1914 and after his
death Oct. 24,1933, Mrs. Bertha McMillan was publisher and editor. Lee and Maxine Abby were associate editors until July 1942 when they purchased the Enterprise until 1948. Frank Lill and Joe Lill and Harry Wiles 1948-1953 with the following associated editors, Nancy Brunscher, Leroy Hall, Carl E. Welch, Lois Lauer, Clarence L. Barts.
Clifford Searcy May 28,1953.
Oct. 1,1955, Lois English, manage adv., Frank Lill and Harry Wiles. Printed at the Lewis Press.
Paul and Ann Schnoebelen, editors and publishers Oct. 1955, Nov. 1,1983.
Nolan Howell editor-publisher Nov. 1,1983.
Jim and Linda Frantz publishers, Sandra Frantz editor Jan. 1,1985.
Dec. 1,1985, David Kazmaier, publisher.
Following a period of town scraps during which time there were two newspapers in Macksville, the two papers were junked and John Lill and Jeff Burt of St. John started the Macksville Enterprise. The first issue of Volume 1 was printed on Friday, August 5th, 1904.
In their foreword to their readers they say:
The town is big enough to support one good newspaper and we have confidence to believe it will... We will not ask you to read a lot of stuff about the misdoings of your neighbor or yourself... Our object is to build up rather than tear down; and be an individual what he may, we should only censure his acts, never “roast.” The same policy has continued all down the thirty-two years the Macksville Enterprise has been existence.
Advertisers in First Issue
The Macksville State Bank carried an advertisement on the front page. Stark Bros. Co. were advertising muslin underwear. Belt & Green were advertising land. Frank J. Benscoter was an attorney and G.E. Mack, the pioneer dealer in hardware, stoves, paints, oils, tools and cutlery.
Other business men at that time who carried ads were Culley & Reed, dealers in hardware, furniture, buggies, stoves, organs and pianos; J.M. McBee, confectionery, cold drinks, tobacco and cigars; C.R. Mendenhall, jewelry; Young Bros. Cash Store, one of oldest general stores in Macksville, had as its slogan, "Has the strength of Gibraltar in Buying and Selling.” M.R. Becktell, the pioneer land man, was advertising a quarter section of land 4 1/2 miles from Macksville with about 70 acres in cultivation for $2,300, and an improved section for $5,000, The City Drug Store with a headline, "Drugs and Medicine,” was owned by E.B. Dykes. Like a good many other things, drug stores have changed a lot during the past thirty-five years. Drs. Alford and Hart and Chas E. Abel were the leading physicians and surgeons. W.T. Shute was the proprietor of The Star Livery Barn. J.E. Jenkins, operated the City Barber Shop. J.H. Buckley had the city transfer and bus line and said, "A good hack meets all trains.” Frink & Kennedy supplied the populace with fresh meats. E.E. Garton advertised harness and fly nets. Joe G. English was the proprietor of the Macksville Lumber & Grain Co.
Taken from the Oct. 15th, 1936 Macksville Enterprise
Joe Hinshaw and Glyde DeVore, 1908-1914, First Enterprise Office.
Macksville has had seven newspapers but apparently only one (possibly two) was published during this first decade of Stafford County newspaper history. The Times was established in 1886 and it was followed by The Telephone.
Cassady (across the railroad track from Macksville) had two early day papers. We have already mentioned the Stafford County Herald published by R.M. Blair in 1886-87. The other was The Mirage owned by William A. Potter who left the paper in charge of J.H. Hammitt when the former moved to St. John.
From the Book “Story of Stafford County”
by Frank Steele
I hesitate to write a history of my own bank because it is so closely akin to my life. A bank or banks is to a community like unto a heart pumping life giving blood into every part of the body.
Seventy-five years ago, the town of Macksville was as vigorous and stormy as any growing youngster, and it was to this community that a Mr. George Burr, of Boston, Massachusetts, came to establish a State Bank. Mr. Andrew Aitken and Howard Gray, of St. John, were also involved.
My father, A.G. English, was then a hardy blacksmith of the town, my mother, known by her legal signature as
Mrs. F.M. English, was a housewife. However, it seems that Dad was quite ‘sharp’ with figures—and everyone thought that he would make the best manager.
We do not have in our possession, the original charter which was probably destroyed in a fire which swept through the town. Of course, we all know by old photos and western movies, the people came to town in horse and buggy, the stores were of wood, the sidewalks too— one town pump. So when a fire did occur it swept the block cleanly.
Dad and others employed at the bank at that time had a few minutes in which to remove books and ledgers and legal documents. The story is told that Dad directing the salvage so to speak, gave orders, “Now boys don’t lose your heads, we don’t have much time and don’t take out anything that is not of value...” then Dad picked up the wastepaper basket and walked out into the street!
We do have a ribbon trimmed and Gold Sealed Charter, dated in the year 1895. The Directors at that time were Geo. H. Burr, Andrew Aitken, Howard Gray, J. McD. Martin, and A.G. English. There were 50 shares of stock. The stock holders were A.G. English, Howard Gray, Andrew Aitken, Geo. Burr, Frank M. Look, J. McD. Martin.
Dad and Mother, for a long time were the only managers. In order to write this history, I hauled out one of the old ledgers—dated 1906. And ‘hauled’ is the proper verb for they were long and wide and very heavy. The entree space was small, the names of the depositers were handwritten, the daily Statement showed the huge sum of $500.00 surplus. However, Dad must have been a ‘natural’— his advise was sought on
Beginning of Macksville State Bank. A.G. English and Flora English.
13- Macksville Newspapers
Macksville, Kansas -- History
Macksville, Kansas Centennial
Stafford County, Kansas
Section of the Macksville Centennial Book dealing with Macksville Newspapers
Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press
Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas
Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas
Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press, “13- Macksville Newspapers,” Digital Macksville, accessed January 30, 2025, https://macksville.digitalsckls.info/item/14.Text
Building railroad grade.
Mr. Yates’ retirement party.
Beginning and Ending of Railroad Career At Macksville, Kansas
Mr. Walter Eugene Yates completed his telegraph schooling, July of 1912 at Chillicothe, Mo. Business College, he was sent to Macksville, Kansas that same month, to serve his apprenticeship under the guidance of agent, Mr. Stoner. Mr. Yates was promoted and sent to Larned, Kansas as a telegraph operator Sept. of 1912.
It was at Larned, Kansas, Lena Inel Brownawell from Trenton, Mo. and Walter Eugene Yates were united in marriage March 19, 1915. One daughter, Kathern, was born to this union, in the year of 1919.
Mr. Yates first agent’s position was Zenith, Kansas, year of 1922. From Zenith, he transferred to Alden, Kansas, as depot agent, year of 1924. In the year of 1925 the Santa Fe Railroad opened up the branch line from Dodge City to Felt, Okla. Mr. Yates and family moved to Felt that year, Walter being the first depot agent at Felt.
In 1927, Mr. Yates “bid in” Offerle, Kansas, where Kathern started her first grade and finished high school.
Mr. Yates “bid in” the agents position at Macksville, Kansas, March of 1938. Mr. and Mrs. Yates moved to Macksville that spring. Mrs. Yates was also a Santa Fe operator and worked 2nd trick for her husband during World War II. Lena Yates organized the “Macksville Garden Club” at her home Jan. 29,1957, with the help of 20 of her Macksville friends. Lena was voted their first president.
Mrs. Lena Inel Yates passed away Jan. 30,1958.
Mr. Yates retired from the Santa Fe Railroad at Macksville, Kansas, where his career had begun, Dec. 16, 1970. Thus completing 58 years of faithful service with the Santa Fe Railroad. Mr. Yates maintained his home in Macksville until his death March 17,1974.
Macksville Newspapers
The Macksville Times May 6,1886 to October 5,1888. The Macksville Telephone May 17, 1889 to Feb. 28, 1890.
The Macksville Independent 1 year.
The Sun, Macksville, 11 months.
The Macksville Argus Oct. 5, 1900 to July 8, 1904. Miss M L. Doran was editor.
The Macksville Index for 3 years.
The Macksville Enterprise was established Aug. 5, 1904. John Lill and Jeff Burt of St. John were the publishers. J.C. Hinshaw purchased it in July 29, 1908. A.L. McMillan purchased it Dec. 1, 1914 and after his
death Oct. 24,1933, Mrs. Bertha McMillan was publisher and editor. Lee and Maxine Abby were associate editors until July 1942 when they purchased the Enterprise until 1948. Frank Lill and Joe Lill and Harry Wiles 1948-1953 with the following associated editors, Nancy Brunscher, Leroy Hall, Carl E. Welch, Lois Lauer, Clarence L. Barts.
Clifford Searcy May 28,1953.
Oct. 1,1955, Lois English, manage adv., Frank Lill and Harry Wiles. Printed at the Lewis Press.
Paul and Ann Schnoebelen, editors and publishers Oct. 1955, Nov. 1,1983.
Nolan Howell editor-publisher Nov. 1,1983.
Jim and Linda Frantz publishers, Sandra Frantz editor Jan. 1,1985.
Dec. 1,1985, David Kazmaier, publisher.
Following a period of town scraps during which time there were two newspapers in Macksville, the two papers were junked and John Lill and Jeff Burt of St. John started the Macksville Enterprise. The first issue of Volume 1 was printed on Friday, August 5th, 1904.
In their foreword to their readers they say:
The town is big enough to support one good newspaper and we have confidence to believe it will... We will not ask you to read a lot of stuff about the misdoings of your neighbor or yourself... Our object is to build up rather than tear down; and be an individual what he may, we should only censure his acts, never “roast.” The same policy has continued all down the thirty-two years the Macksville Enterprise has been existence.
Advertisers in First Issue
The Macksville State Bank carried an advertisement on the front page. Stark Bros. Co. were advertising muslin underwear. Belt & Green were advertising land. Frank J. Benscoter was an attorney and G.E. Mack, the pioneer dealer in hardware, stoves, paints, oils, tools and cutlery.
Other business men at that time who carried ads were Culley & Reed, dealers in hardware, furniture, buggies, stoves, organs and pianos; J.M. McBee, confectionery, cold drinks, tobacco and cigars; C.R. Mendenhall, jewelry; Young Bros. Cash Store, one of oldest general stores in Macksville, had as its slogan, "Has the strength of Gibraltar in Buying and Selling.” M.R. Becktell, the pioneer land man, was advertising a quarter section of land 4 1/2 miles from Macksville with about 70 acres in cultivation for $2,300, and an improved section for $5,000, The City Drug Store with a headline, "Drugs and Medicine,” was owned by E.B. Dykes. Like a good many other things, drug stores have changed a lot during the past thirty-five years. Drs. Alford and Hart and Chas E. Abel were the leading physicians and surgeons. W.T. Shute was the proprietor of The Star Livery Barn. J.E. Jenkins, operated the City Barber Shop. J.H. Buckley had the city transfer and bus line and said, "A good hack meets all trains.” Frink & Kennedy supplied the populace with fresh meats. E.E. Garton advertised harness and fly nets. Joe G. English was the proprietor of the Macksville Lumber & Grain Co.
Taken from the Oct. 15th, 1936 Macksville Enterprise
Joe Hinshaw and Glyde DeVore, 1908-1914, First Enterprise Office.
Macksville has had seven newspapers but apparently only one (possibly two) was published during this first decade of Stafford County newspaper history. The Times was established in 1886 and it was followed by The Telephone.
Cassady (across the railroad track from Macksville) had two early day papers. We have already mentioned the Stafford County Herald published by R.M. Blair in 1886-87. The other was The Mirage owned by William A. Potter who left the paper in charge of J.H. Hammitt when the former moved to St. John.
From the Book “Story of Stafford County”
by Frank Steele
I hesitate to write a history of my own bank because it is so closely akin to my life. A bank or banks is to a community like unto a heart pumping life giving blood into every part of the body.
Seventy-five years ago, the town of Macksville was as vigorous and stormy as any growing youngster, and it was to this community that a Mr. George Burr, of Boston, Massachusetts, came to establish a State Bank. Mr. Andrew Aitken and Howard Gray, of St. John, were also involved.
My father, A.G. English, was then a hardy blacksmith of the town, my mother, known by her legal signature as
Mrs. F.M. English, was a housewife. However, it seems that Dad was quite ‘sharp’ with figures—and everyone thought that he would make the best manager.
We do not have in our possession, the original charter which was probably destroyed in a fire which swept through the town. Of course, we all know by old photos and western movies, the people came to town in horse and buggy, the stores were of wood, the sidewalks too— one town pump. So when a fire did occur it swept the block cleanly.
Dad and others employed at the bank at that time had a few minutes in which to remove books and ledgers and legal documents. The story is told that Dad directing the salvage so to speak, gave orders, “Now boys don’t lose your heads, we don’t have much time and don’t take out anything that is not of value...” then Dad picked up the wastepaper basket and walked out into the street!
We do have a ribbon trimmed and Gold Sealed Charter, dated in the year 1895. The Directors at that time were Geo. H. Burr, Andrew Aitken, Howard Gray, J. McD. Martin, and A.G. English. There were 50 shares of stock. The stock holders were A.G. English, Howard Gray, Andrew Aitken, Geo. Burr, Frank M. Look, J. McD. Martin.
Dad and Mother, for a long time were the only managers. In order to write this history, I hauled out one of the old ledgers—dated 1906. And ‘hauled’ is the proper verb for they were long and wide and very heavy. The entree space was small, the names of the depositers were handwritten, the daily Statement showed the huge sum of $500.00 surplus. However, Dad must have been a ‘natural’— his advise was sought on
Beginning of Macksville State Bank. A.G. English and Flora English.