21- Recognition of Veterans and Macksville War Efforts
Collection: Macksville, Kansas Community History 1886-1986
21- Recognition of Veterans and Macksville War Efforts
Macksville, Kansas -- History
Macksville, Kansas Centennial
Stafford County, Kansas
Section of the Macksville Centennial Book dealing with Recognition of Veterans and Macksville War Efforts
Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press
Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas
Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas
Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press, “21- Recognition of Veterans and Macksville War Efforts,” Digital Macksville, accessed January 30, 2025, https://macksville.digitalsckls.info/item/22.
have been enjoyed by Cameo Club members and occasional guests. Fun times such as Christmas parties, with husbands, international buffets, a fondue party, outings to the Cosmosphere, bowling and eating out, etc, have made Cameo Club exciting. Something also very special between members is secret sisters, exchanging gifts at special times during the year.
Cameo Club has been very active in the community, and even though the work is demanding at times, the members also have fun and many rewarding experiences; and are looking forward to the future years in the Macksville community.
Mrs. Grace Goudy was awarded a real orchid April 1, 1954 from the Good Neighbor Club sponsored by Radio Station KANS Wichita for her years of tireless efforts to be a good neighbor in spite of her age and other handicaps.
As a community we are celebrating our Centennial this year. As we share in joy and celebrations we as a people take this opportunity to give a special honor and rememberance of all the servicemen who gave of themselves from this community of Macksville, Kansas.
We are proud of all those who have served in virtually every branch of the military. From our inception, as a community, we have had those who have served all over the world and in every war our great nation has fought. Some of the early pioneers were Civil War Veterans. We had those who in the pioneer years of our community served in World War I. In 1941 the world would again be engulfed in war. The United States of America itself would be attacked. Our community proved again our loyalty to our great country as many served in World War
II insuring our peace and safety. In 1950 we would again send men, this time to the Korean conflict, and most recently the war in Vietnam.
As we celebrate our first Centennial let us see that his special blessing would not be possible without those who gave of themselves in war times and in peace years to serve our country faithfully. Let us pause in our celebration as we pay special tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom...their lives. Let us join our hearts in prayer that we would always sing the great song "America The Beautiful.” Place our belief in our nations motto..."In God We Trust." That those who served in our armed forces and those who gave their very lives would not have served in vain! MAY GOD BLESS OUR SERVICEMEN.
Macksville Supports War
The Macksville community sent, not only its young men to serve its country, but they gave in every possible way to the war effort.
Iron was a major war need.
There were “iron drives” going on continually throughout the years of 1942 to 1945.
In order to find, secure and ship scrap iron many programs were established. Contest between counties and towns were held, prizes given, days were proclaimed, and schools and businesses were closed in order to promote the drive to “get out all the scrap iron.”
Oct. 8, 1942 was proclaimed “Scrap Metal Day” by Mayor Lamb. All businesses and schools were closed so that everyone was free to turnout and collect.
From Oct. 8 to Oct. 15, 1942 the city and community turned in 140 tons of scrap metal. That was an average of 400 pounds per person.
All types of scrap was salvaged and donated. Cars, trucks, tractors, old parts, anything made of iron was brought in for collection.
With slogans like “A Little Scrap might get that Jap" and “an old discarded metal object might be the very thing that would mean the life of your boy or mine" how could anyone fail to not contribute?
Cash prizes were awarded to the best collectors.
Macksville was a winner in the county drive and the prize was the submission of the city name to be given to a new cruiser if the occasion arose and if a cruiser was built.
Railroads shipped the iron. After the iron was collected it had to be sorted and loaded onto rail cars. The rail yard was the collection point.
Town’s men had to do the work of sorting and loading. On Dec. 3, 1942 a call went out for two Caterpillar tractors and 50 men. It took three days of very hard work for the task to be completed.
Iron was shipped to Minnequa, Colo. and tin and cast metals were shipped to foundries.
The Macksville community supported the war effort with its best intentions and whole heartedly.
By Anita Sewing
21- Recognition of Veterans and Macksville War Efforts
Macksville, Kansas -- History
Macksville, Kansas Centennial
Stafford County, Kansas
Section of the Macksville Centennial Book dealing with Recognition of Veterans and Macksville War Efforts
Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press
Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas
Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas
Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press, “21- Recognition of Veterans and Macksville War Efforts,” Digital Macksville, accessed January 30, 2025, https://macksville.digitalsckls.info/item/22.Text
have been enjoyed by Cameo Club members and occasional guests. Fun times such as Christmas parties, with husbands, international buffets, a fondue party, outings to the Cosmosphere, bowling and eating out, etc, have made Cameo Club exciting. Something also very special between members is secret sisters, exchanging gifts at special times during the year.
Cameo Club has been very active in the community, and even though the work is demanding at times, the members also have fun and many rewarding experiences; and are looking forward to the future years in the Macksville community.
Mrs. Grace Goudy was awarded a real orchid April 1, 1954 from the Good Neighbor Club sponsored by Radio Station KANS Wichita for her years of tireless efforts to be a good neighbor in spite of her age and other handicaps.
As a community we are celebrating our Centennial this year. As we share in joy and celebrations we as a people take this opportunity to give a special honor and rememberance of all the servicemen who gave of themselves from this community of Macksville, Kansas.
We are proud of all those who have served in virtually every branch of the military. From our inception, as a community, we have had those who have served all over the world and in every war our great nation has fought. Some of the early pioneers were Civil War Veterans. We had those who in the pioneer years of our community served in World War I. In 1941 the world would again be engulfed in war. The United States of America itself would be attacked. Our community proved again our loyalty to our great country as many served in World War
II insuring our peace and safety. In 1950 we would again send men, this time to the Korean conflict, and most recently the war in Vietnam.
As we celebrate our first Centennial let us see that his special blessing would not be possible without those who gave of themselves in war times and in peace years to serve our country faithfully. Let us pause in our celebration as we pay special tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom...their lives. Let us join our hearts in prayer that we would always sing the great song "America The Beautiful.” Place our belief in our nations motto..."In God We Trust." That those who served in our armed forces and those who gave their very lives would not have served in vain! MAY GOD BLESS OUR SERVICEMEN.
Macksville Supports War
The Macksville community sent, not only its young men to serve its country, but they gave in every possible way to the war effort.
Iron was a major war need.
There were “iron drives” going on continually throughout the years of 1942 to 1945.
In order to find, secure and ship scrap iron many programs were established. Contest between counties and towns were held, prizes given, days were proclaimed, and schools and businesses were closed in order to promote the drive to “get out all the scrap iron.”
Oct. 8, 1942 was proclaimed “Scrap Metal Day” by Mayor Lamb. All businesses and schools were closed so that everyone was free to turnout and collect.
From Oct. 8 to Oct. 15, 1942 the city and community turned in 140 tons of scrap metal. That was an average of 400 pounds per person.
All types of scrap was salvaged and donated. Cars, trucks, tractors, old parts, anything made of iron was brought in for collection.
With slogans like “A Little Scrap might get that Jap" and “an old discarded metal object might be the very thing that would mean the life of your boy or mine" how could anyone fail to not contribute?
Cash prizes were awarded to the best collectors.
Macksville was a winner in the county drive and the prize was the submission of the city name to be given to a new cruiser if the occasion arose and if a cruiser was built.
Railroads shipped the iron. After the iron was collected it had to be sorted and loaded onto rail cars. The rail yard was the collection point.
Town’s men had to do the work of sorting and loading. On Dec. 3, 1942 a call went out for two Caterpillar tractors and 50 men. It took three days of very hard work for the task to be completed.
Iron was shipped to Minnequa, Colo. and tin and cast metals were shipped to foundries.
The Macksville community supported the war effort with its best intentions and whole heartedly.
By Anita Sewing