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Macksville, Kansas





Macksville, Kansas -- History

Macksville, Kansas Centennial

Stafford County, Kansas


Section of the Macksville Centennial Book dealing with local organizations.


Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press


Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas


Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas











Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press, “20-Organizations,” Digital Macksville, accessed January 30, 2025,

Macksville Industrial Club
In 1912 a group of men decided Macksville needed a business organization with the main object being to look after the Interest of the town in its moral, educational, financial, agricultural and industrial undertaking.
This meeting was to be at the Cresent Hotel with a supper and all interested business men, town and country were invited. From the group attending officers were elected. They were: Pres. E.J. Westgate, Vice Pres. A.L. Muse, Sec. J.C. Hinshaw, Treas. C.W. Carter, By-laws were written and thirth-three members joined. They were - George Hougen, Frank Seal, Walter Swedlund, R.W. Welch, A.A. Shaw, A.L Muse, Lee Dougan, M.F. Carpenter, C.F. Davidson, Orville Booth, M.E. Hilleary, C. Bellwood, C.C. Lickiss, Jim Crow, E.L. Nolder, W.B. Wolf, H.J. Weil, L.D. Amidon, Geo. Sinclair, L.M. Holcomb, E.V. Corby, C.A. Satterlee, Jas Barnum, Clyde
Hoover, Sam Wiles, A.J. Smith, C.W. Carter, E.J. Westgate, J.C. Hinshaw, Frank Jalageus, D.L. Lockwood and Frank Zimmerman.
Taken from Macksville Enterprise 1912
Several years later the organization was renamed to the Macksville Chamber of Commerce.
Today the chamber is active and do several community projects. Some things we sponsor are Christmas drawing and Santa, Easter egg hunt with Jr. Mothers Club help. Homecoming is our main project. The Macksville Homecoming was started in 1951 and has grown to be quite a day.
Our board of directors and officers are: President Phyllis Suiter, V. President Myra Schmidt, Sec. John Drake, Treas. Lucy Parker, director Jerry Mollenkamp.
We have 39 businesses participating and 57 members.
Oct. 1936 Lions Club, row 1 • Fred Lamb, John Grant. Row 2 - John McMorran, Clyde Clark, Leigh Abby, Pete Zuercher, Claude Commons, Claude Sparks. Row 3 • George Hart, D.S. Lauver, Arthur Harvey, A.E. Bock,
Lester Shaw, Bernice Zuercher, Lee Baldwin, George Cooper, Sam Wiles, Albert Bock, Mickey Elmore. Row 4 • Milt Commons, Walter Eickenberger, Bill Fuqua, Russell Denbo, Bill Yeager, John Lynch, Charles Fitzsimmons.
Lions Club 1986 • back row, left to right: Bill Webster, Wayne Spencer, Donald Sparks, John Drake, Kenneth Smith, Dick Lucas, Paul Hankins. Front row, left to right:
Richard Weers, Bill Unruh, Jerry Mollenkamp, Ralph Jarboe, Russell Walker, Larry Schmidt. Not pictured, Mitch Minnis, Harold Johnson, Dean Rothrock.
LIONS CLUB (60th Year)
Macksville Lions Club Charter night was October 29, 1926. Officers were President, S.G. Wiles; Vice President, S.E. Dennis; Secretary, W.J. Eichenberger; Treasurer, J.H. McMorran; Lion Tamer, C.H. Hoover; and Tail Twister, M.A. Commons. The Directors were H.B. Breneman, B.A. Holland, T.A. Prather, J.A. Lynch, W.M. Swedlund and H.H. Jacobshagen. Other charter members were Lee Baldwin, Sam Benz, R.M. Denbo, F.W. Lamb, A.L. McMillan, Rev. F.E. Rohl, C.L. Sparks and R.W. Welch. Others joining later were A.J. Bock, C.E. Commons, H.D. Howard, Troy Mace, and E.L. Starret.
Lions Clubs are dedicated to service projects among which are included sight conservation, eyeglasses for youth, sales of blind made products, leader dog training programs, diabetes education, and drug abuse and prevention. Also, CARE fund raising projects are the most recent services promoted.
Current membership includes John Drake, President; Russell Walker, First Vice President; Paul Hankins, Second Vice President; William Unruh, Third Vice President; Harold Johnson, Secretary; Larry Schmidt, Treasurer; Gerald Mollenkamp, Tail Twister; Kenneth Smith, Lion Tamer. Directors are Mark Ramsey, Dean Rothrock, Wayne Spencer, and Richard Weers. Members include Rev. Ralph Jarboe, Dick Lucas, Mitch Minnis, Donald Sparks, Bill Webster.
A Sr. Citizen organization in Macksville became a reality in November, 1984 when the VanArsdale’s secured a speaker from the Southwest Kansas Area Agency on Aging, Inc. and they and the Lucas’ sent word out, all residents 55 and older are welcome to come to Evergreen Park Apartment recreation room. Bring a covered dish, meat and bread furnished. Forty-eight people showed up. After the second meeting it was very obvious the room was too small so the group moved to hold their monthly suppers and meeting at the American Legion Hall, which also housed the Recreation Commission.
Donald Sparks was elected President, Ruth Van Ar-sdale, Vice, Betty Jane Fertig, Secretary, Virgil Goudy, Treasurer and Pauline Walker historian and reporter. Very Important People (V.I.P.) was the name chosen to be called.
In February, 1985 the opportunity arose to purchase the former Pinkie’s Cafe. This was accomplished. Several gathered to give the building a good cleaning and the March monthly supper and meeting was held in the V.I.P’s own building. A $4,000 grant, donations, proceeds of Ralph Kleck’s shop sale, of which the men helped organize, and the women served food, helped the bank account. The Center is opened each morning Monday to Friday 8:00 to 11:00 serving coffee and rolls that
are donated by members. Laura Lamb is hired by the Green Thumb program to be hostess. The men renovated a back room, lowering ceiling, paneling, painting, laying a carpet that was donated, that now houses the Nu-2-U shop and a quilting frame has a quilt in it that will have chances sold for it and someone will be a lucky winner!
The Recreation Commission hosted a catered turkey meal Friday November 22 and seventy-eight Sr. Citizens
enjoyed the meal and get together.
Ruth VanArsdale is the president president, Goldia Lock the vice president and Mildred Prescott the secretary with the other two officers remaining the same. The V.I.P’s are charter members of SKAA, attend the County Council on Aging, and distribute commodities. The Sr. Citizens of Macksville are having a good time working and playing together.
Macksville Rangerettes about 1960. Front Row, left to right: Tacy Rothrock, Sandra Wilson, Cindy Seibert, Debbie Doran, T.K. Schnoebelen, Paulette Satterlee, Pamela Aves, Rolinda Sherwood, Janet Humphrey, Mar-cene Rothrock, Jean Ann Humphrey, Crystal Bilyeau, Pamela Seibert, Denise Wilson, Tyna Breitenbach, Judy
Higgins, Tamara Suiter and Brenda Suiter. Second row, left to right: Thesolynne Henrie, Joanelle Lucas, Jean Doran, Martha Young, Terri Painter, Jeri Humphrey, Jackie Miller, Deanna Rothrock, Grace Woods, Vivian Scott, Karen Buell, Barbara Jo Walker, Patti Seibert, Jo Clark, Martha Buell and Patti Henrie, Inst.
PRIDE • A Kansas Community Improvement Program
Administrated by Cooperative Extension Service Kansas State University and Kansas Department of Economic Development. Originated in 1970
P programming R resources I with Initiative for D development E effectiveness
Areas of Emphasis
Care the four blue ribbons received for accomplishing those categories).
Community Planning Economic Development •Community Services - health - fire - police *Utilities • water - sewage - lights • waste disposal -pollution control Housing
•Transportation - streets - highways - airport facilities
*Education - youth - adults
Enrichment - recreation* - *cultural - tourism
Macksville enrolled in the State PRIDE Program, endorsed by all the Clubs, in 1978, when a United Methodist Minister, Wiliam E. Salmon, came to town and saw the need to express his religious vocation in Community Work, reminding people that “Faith without works is dead.”
The first major projects were: Secure and renovate an empty house to turn it into a Dr.’s Clinic. (A Dr. comes to this Community four mornings of the week.) An Ambulance and EMT’s and EMS Service, Bloodmobile visits, Blood Pressure Clinic (1st Wed. morning of each month). Macksville has a Recreation Commission, Sr. Citizens organization, Booster Club, all PRIDE related. The Housing project, Evergreen Park, was instigated by PRIDE. In Education. Adult Classes were given, a preschool became a reality. Other PRIDE projects were the new Street Signs, K-19 Hi-Way sign pointing to Macksville. House numbers, parking lines on Main
Street, addresses in phone book, Christmas Yard Contests, Craft Show, sale of fireworks, Community meetings, Pride Appreciation Day, ABC Sale, Yard of the Week, Park improvement and “Welcome Wagon” sponsored by the Cameo Club and the Neighborhood Watch Crime Prevention Program, with Hi-way signs and stickers in residents homes alerting crime to Watch Out - Macksville is Watching. The Cloverleaf 4-H Club had helped to pass out surveys and the Crime Prevention Stickers and helped clean weeds from sidewalks. The PRICE Committee has given $100.00 each to the V.I.P’s, Centennial Committee, the Wes Salmon Scholarship Fund and to help paint the Library. Welcome flags were also purchased to put out to welcome people to any event, especially the Centennial Celebration.
The State PRIDE annual meeting is held in Salina the middle of October. The awards are given then by the Governor. Macksville won $300.00 awards twice, $25.00 Meritorious awards twice, placques for Crime Prevention and being in the PRIDE program. Darlene Weers, Joe Butler and Karen Spencer has served as chairpersons of the local PRIDE Steering Committee.
On November 25, 1985, 11:00 A.M. Area Extension Specialist Ken Albright from Hutchinson and County Agents Connall Addison and Linda Perkins conducted a meeting of the Past, Present and Future of Macksville’s PRIDE program to invited key people. Seventeen attended and are interested in continuing to improve Macksville to make it a better place in which to live. First priority-beautify and new sidewalks!
Pauline Walker, Sec.-Treas.
Sunflower E.H.U. Seated, left to right: Winnie Hopley, Dec., Martina Tranbarger. Standing, left to right: Pauline Suiter, Vaughn Graebner, Dorothy Sparks, Dorothy Lucas, Ruth Waters, Margaret Tucker, Betty Seibert.
Back row, left to right: Mildred Prescott, Goldia Lock, Anna Webster, Deedie Hudson, Mae Grant, Norma Kephart.
The Sunflower Unit was organized in January 1929 at the home of Mrs. Ed O’Conner. E.H. Teagarden our County Agent at that time, met with us, Mrs. Colglzaier and Mrs. Zook of Pawnee County, the ladies had been in Farm Bureau work for some time. We appreciated their help in getting our Unit organized. Our Unit was the second organized in Stafford County.
The first project was to make dress forms, master pattern, altering of patterns, redessing of garments, seam
finishing, pockets, buttonholes, color and styles best suited for different type persons.
From then on we had Achievement Days.
In 1930 we had our first Community Fair in Macksville, we had a booth and built it ourselves. We made Cedar Recipe cabinets, recipe books to sell at the fair.
Our first joy to the Unit was a baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson.
Officers for the Unit of 1929 were: President Mrs. H.W. Cramer, Vice Pres. Mrs. T.E. Callahan, Sec. & Treas. Mrs. Wade Smith, Reporter Mrs. Augusta Neidig.
Members of the First Charter • Mrs. W.H. Cramer, Mrs. T.E. Callahan, Mrs. Wade Smith, Mrs. H.W. Graebner, Mrs. Ed O’Connor, Mrs. August Neidig, Mrs. A.B. Miller, Mrs. J.A. Graebner, Mrs. W.E. Biggs, Mrs. Deedie Hudson, Mrs. S.E. Biggs.
In 1969, May 28 our unit name was changed to E.H.U. (Extension Homemakers Unit).
In 1976 members of the Sunflower E.H.U. had a Quilt fair at the Methodist Church and 170 men and women attended, some from far away.
In December we were host to the Holiday Christmas Tour.
Dixie Molz (Extension Agent) retired from her duties, all the Units made a block for a quilt to be quilted and presented to her on retirement party.
April 27, 1977 was a tour presented by the E.H.U. through Nostalgia lane, 115 people attended.
In 1978 a tree ceremony was held on the grounds of Parkview Manor sponsored by the Sunflower Unit, Mildred Hankins was chairperson, presented the Rose Hill Ash Tree. The Mayor and other Citizens were present.
April 30,1980 we celebrated our 50th anniversary. Contemporary Unit and past members were invited to take a trip on our train, at the end the train pulled into Union Station the Conductor directed us to the refreshment table. Pauline Suiter was the only 50 year member.
We continue to do good as making robes, bibs, dish rags, tea towels, pot holders, pillow cases, restraining bands, gowns.
Officers for 1985 were: Pres. Norma Kephart, Vice Pres. Martina Tranbarger, Sec. & Treas. Dorothy Sparks, Public Relations Margaret Tucker, Historian Mae Grant.
The Seals we received were: 1961 - Gold Seal, 1962 -Blue Seal, 1963 - Blue Seal, 1969 - Blue Seal, 1971 - Blue Seal, 1980 - Blue Seal, 1981-1982 - Gold Seal, 1984-1985 -Gold Seal.
Sew & So Club 1973 • Nettie Wallace, Pearl Harman, Adaline Wood, Myrl DeBusk, Hazel Biggs, Beulah Russell, Ethel Bates, Dela Mack, Josie Study.
Macksville Sew and So Club
The club was organized in 1939 in the home of Grace Goudy with twenty members. We organized during the depression and dues were 10 cents a year. Some of our activities were annual picnic in the park, hat shows, donated to St. John nursing home, tied comforts for family who lost everything in fire, sewed carpet rags for the auxiliary, annual Christmas dinner and entertained our husbands.
The club was active for 34 years, disbanded in 1973.
Cloverleaf 4-H Club Leaders 1948-49 • Roy Wilson and Ethel Wilson, Melvin Johnson and Mary Johnson, Orlio Brown, County Agent.
1948-1949 Cloverleaf 4-Hers • Adrian and Connie Suiter, Mary Jane Bolton, Galyn DeVore, Robert Hawk, Dorothy B. Suiter, Cheryl Ulsh, Wayne, Patricia and Bob Johnson, Nick O’Connor.
Front row, left to right: Kathy VanWinkle, Shelby Hogan, Gene Seibert, Gary and Amy Siebert. 2nd row, left to right: Jennifer Watkins, Justin Nelson, Kristy VanWinkle, Elba Unruh, Jason Nelson, Scott Hall, Eric Seibert. 3rd row, left to right: Nichole Herrenbruck, Kerri
The Cloverleaf 4-H Club received its charter in Nov. 1948. Although there have been other clubs in the area this is the only club serving the Macksville area at this time. Other clubs were the Bud Club that met in the Bud school south of town, the Wildhorse Club covered the area north of Macksville, the Clear Creek Club located in the southwest corner of Stafford County. The Valley Center Club was located in the Valley Center area in Pawnee County.
The Cloverleaf 4-H Club began under the leadership of Roy and Ethel Wilson. When the Bud and Wildhorse Clubs combined. Some of the early members were Doyle and Ethel Mae Wilson, Eugene, Donald, Phyllis and Bernice Suiter, Dale and Troy Lucas, Eston Piland, Adrian Suiter, Betty, Dorothy and Bud Suiter, Carolyn DeVore, Mary Ellen Waters, Sybil Cummins.
The Cloverleaf 4-Hers have earned 25 purple, 2 blue, 7 red and 2 gold seals. To earn a purple seal which is the highest award a club can receive, requires a club to be involved in community, county and club activities.
Some of the remembered events have been a club band under the direction of Joseph Secrest that placed first at regional 4-H Day and then was combined with the Radium Club band to participate in State Competition in Manhattan.
Starting in 1954 unti 1971 the club sold hamburgers at the annual homecoming. During this time they built a building and grill.
Leaders of the club have been Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson 1948 to 1953, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Johnson 1954 to 1966, Pauline Walker 1967 to 1970, Verne Seibert 1967, Russell Walker 1968 to 1970, and Gary and Nina Seibert began in 1970 and are currently the leaders.
The 4-H motto remains "To Make The Best Better.”
VanWinkle, Shelby Snyder, Lisa Gibson, August Unruh, Lori Gibson, James Effenbeck. Back row, left to right: Dayettra Unruh, Jennifer Searight, Julie Salmon, Glenda Snyder, Tony Seibert, Leslie Watkins, Angela Meyer, Dale Seibert, Nina Seibert. Sonya Piland • photographer.
Macksville Garden Club • left to right, front row - Hazel DeBusk, Belle Giles, Bertha Reese, Edna Hodson, Janie Stark, Myrl DeBusk, Bitha Hudson, Leona Smith, Doll Cotton, Maude Hawk.
The Macksville Garden Club was organized in January of 1957 at the home of Lena Yates with a membership of twenty members. Mrs. Lena Yates was the first president. Some of the club projects were the park, library, annual flower show at the school. Their aim was The Encouragement for Lovelier Gardens and To aid Civic Beauty. The beginning membership was Martha Booi, Anna Baker, Myrl DeBusk, Esther Eddingfield, Lois English, June Fitzsimmons, Christabel Green, Esther Grizzell, Alma Hoover, Ethel Kearns, Grace Lyda, Esther Mezger, Elsie Neelly, Ethel Neelly, Irma Smith, Leona Smith, Freda Ulsh, Edith Vaile, Charlcie Welch, Allie Wiles.
Submitted by Mrs. Clinton (Myrl) DeBusk
The first annual Macksville Arts and Crafts Fair was October 30, 1982, held in the Masonic Hall on Main Street, Chairman, E. Irene Preston, with assistants:
Myra Schmidt, Violet Thomas, Don Tillery. There were thirty exhibitors from Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, with attendance of over 225 people.
Macksville Main Street Masonic Hall, Sat., Oct. 30, 1982.
Myra Schmidt
Virginia Brack

Violet Thomas
E. Irene Preston
Don Tillery
Saint John Saddle Club served lunch and held bake sales in 1982 and 1983. Violet Thomas and Myra Schmidt served Sloppy Joe’s in 1984, they did all the work, Irene was in the hospital at Pratt, Thanks for carrying on Gal’s. Surely was appreciated. The Arts and Crafts Fair was moved to the VIP, Senior Center on Main Street for October 26,1985, with the VIP’s serving lunch.
There are always beautiful handcrafted items: Wheat Weaving, Saw Art, Wood, Soft Sculpture, Pillows, Ornaments, Doll Clothes, Toys, Crocheting, Knitting, Macrame, Potpourri, Pressed Flowers, Flower Arranging, Amish Dolls, Raggedy Ann & Andy, Orphan Annie, Dolls, Wood Carving, Clocks, Strip Quilting, Baby Items and more. Artists with their paintings. It is a time of fun, meeting new people, everyone welcome and it is one time of the year that there is no parking space on Macksville’s main street, nor on the side streets.
Submitted by E. Irene Preston Chairman: Arts and Crafts Fair Macksville, Kansas 67557
Research Club May 9, 1930 • left to right, back row: Ella McMorran, a former Methodist Minister wife, Ida Lynch, Jennie McMorran, Allie Wiles, Faye Shaw, Mrs. Wilson, Carrie Biggs, Hazel Breneman, Irma Smith, Mrs.
Shurtleff, Marguerite Evans, Bertha McMillan, Mrs. Rhoda Hursh. Front row, left to right: unknown, Christine Yeager, unknown, Kathyrn Common and son Milton, Nora Becktell, unknown, Maxine Abbey.
Research Club was officially organized in July of 1915 after an unsuccessful try in May due to the resignation of two officers and one other moving away. The first officers were: President, Mrs. A.L. McMillan; Vice President, Mrs. Lou Ingels; Secretary, Mrs. S.G. Wiles; and Treasurer, Mrs. Frank Hamilton.
The yearbooks were compiled and on September 3, 1915 the first regular meeting was held at the home of Mrs. McMillan. Charter members and other admitted to membership that year were as follows: Mrs. J.T. Askew, Mrs. B.A. Holland, Mrs. Mark Jennings, Mrs. W.M. Swedlund, Mrs. H.H. Miner, Mrs. J.H. McMorran, Mrs. H.J. Weil, Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Mrs. R.W. Welch, Mrs. Rufina Martin, Mrs. S.G. Wiles, Mrs. Esco Peters, Mrs. John Ingles, Mrs. A.A. Schowalter, Mrs. E.L. Nolder, Mrs. J.M. Barnum, Mrs. A.L. McMillan, Mrs. Russell Hursh, Mrs. W.L. Jennings, Mrs. Parks Tucker, and Misses Lenora Becktell, Fern Hall, Mary Mawhirter (Doran), Kate Carter, Katherine Hemphill (Commons).
Research Club had as one of its first projects the creating of a city park. (See History of City Park article for details.) The Club has always had a park committee to assist with park improvements. Mrs. Irma Smith served on it for many years.
Other civic projects included starting the city library when Mrs. O.E. Shurtleff was president. She also served as the first librarian. Research has contributed to the scholarship loan fund of Federated Women’s Clubs, penny art fund, music talent fund, cancer, heart and polio funds, as well as war veterans fund, Larned State
Hospital Christmas fund (Lois English made donation in name of club).
Other memorable events include guest days, teas, mother and daughter parties, inspirational speakers, and sponsoring young people for art and music talent auditions.
Mrs. Grace Eichenberger and Mrs. Irma Smith have been members for over 50 years.
In the spring of 1984 it was voted to discontinue membership as a Federated Club, but members still meet as a club having timely programs and contributing to community service projects.
History of Macksville Lodge #371 AF & AM (1905-1985)
Dispensation was granted June 2nd 1904 to eleven brother Master Masons residing at the town of Macksville authorizing them to form and open a Lodge to be known as “Macksville Lodge” U.D.. Their first meeting was held on June 4th 1904. The first officers of the Lodge were: Wilson Milton Stark, Master; Louis Eugene Wait, Senior Warden and Benjamin F. Guizlo, Junior Warden. By the end of 1904 this number had grown to twenty-two members.
On Febraury 15, 1905 a charter was granted by Most Worshipful Samuel R. Peters, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge AF & AM of Kansas. The Lodge to be known as "Macksville Lodge #371”, with the following officers being installed: Wilson M. Stark, Master; Louis
E. Wait, Senior Warden; Benjamin F. Guizlo, Junior Warden; William L. Carter, Treasurer; Franklin J. Benscoter, Secretary; John C. Wright, Senior Deacon; Charles L. Stark, Junior Deacon; Millard M. Hart, Senior Stewart; Henry D. Green, Junior Stewart; Henry A. Kirtland, Tiler.
On April 15, 1912 a contract was executed between the Macksville Lodge #371 and C.W. Carter to erect a building. With the Lodge committee consisting of: William L. Carter, Charles H. Hatch and Benjamin F. Guizlo. The lower half of the building was built by C.W. Carter, he also paid for the basement construction. The Macksville Lodge built the upper-half of the building and the enclosed stairway. Each party owned the north wall of the building. The lower half of the building was used by Mr. Carter in his poultry business.
As per the contract written in 1912, neither party would be able to sell the property without first offering it to the other party. On November 30,1935 the lower half of the building was purchased from Albert & Margaret Becker, heirs of C.W. Carter, Since that time several tenants occupied the 1st floor, the last being "Blanche’s" department store.
In 1943 one of our members “Samuel G. Wiles” was elected to the office of Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge AF & AM of Kansas. He served the Grand Lodge AF & AM of Kansas as Grand Master in 1946. Harold H. Holland was appointed Grand Junior Steward in 1946 and Lawrence Eugene Grizzell was appointed Grand Junior Steward in 1946 and Lawrence Eugene
Grizzell was appointed Grand Junior Steward in 1970 in the M.W. Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Kansas. December 6,1982 an agreement was made between the trustees of Macksville Lodge #371 AF & AM and the Farmers & Merchants State Bank of Macksville, whereas, the Bank is desirous of acquiring the real estate from the Lodge for the purpose of building a new bank building for the consideration of the bank providing the Lodge a meeting room and a paraphernalia room in the new bank building free of cost to the Lodge for a period of 99 years. Trustees were: Lawrence Eugene Grizzell, William P. Hudson and Kenneth E. Goertz.
The lodge meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday nights of each month. The current membership of seventy-three, three of which have membership of “50” years or more; Ed. L. DeVore, Macksville “59” years; Cecil R. Prose, Ridgecrest, Calif. “64” years; and Charles A. Smith, Macksville “65” years.
The current officers of Macksville Lodge #371 AF & AM for 1985 are as follows: Lawrence E. Grizzell, Master; William P. Hudson, Senior Warden; Frederick R. Grizzell, Junior Warden; Even B. Estes, Treasurer; Kenneth E. Goertz, Secretary; Ed. L. DeVore, Chaplin; Kirk W. Grizzell, Senior Deacon; Orian M. Kephart, Junior Deacon; Gary D. Seibert, Senior Stewart; Theodore V. Gringrich, Junior Stewart; and R. Bruce Fisher, Tiler.
Respectfully Submitted Kenneth E. Goertz, Sec’y Lawrence Eugene Grizzell, Master
Contemporary EHU • front row, left to right: Debbie Grizzell, Wanda Lee Grizzell, Ruth Van Winkle, Marjorie Grunder. Middle row, left to right: Blanche Suiter (guest), Connie Grizzell, Mary Lee Nielson, Edna Hart,
Opal Neill. Back row, left to right: Linda Lamb, Mildred Carver, Twyla Hodson, Violet Thomas, Doris Lamb. Not pictured: Dorothy Reiman, Emma Stambaugh, Elaine Woolf.
On September 22, 1970 twelve women and the Stafford County Home Economist, Dixie Molz, met at the home of Doris Lamb. The purpose was to discuss the possibility of organizing an extension unit to serve the southwest part of Stafford County.
The enthusiasm was high. On November 12, 1970 the Charter meeting was held at Connie Lambs. Seventeen charter members elected Pauline Beck the first president. Most members have assumed leadership roles as the years passed.
During the fourteen years of existence Contemporary Homemakers have earned 14 gold seals for excellence in programs and projects. A variety of informative programs have given the members many educational assists.
A bond of warmth has developed among the members. The monthly meetings are not only a learning experience but a time for fun and fellowship.
Fourteen members retain membership with five Charter members as follows: Wanda Lee Grizzell, Linda and Doris Lamb, Emma Stambaugh, and Dorothy Reiman.
Many community projects have been accomplished such as blood mobile help, installing a book deposit at the library, contributions of gifts to the Larned State Hospital and Parkview Nursing Home.
In February 1980 the Valley Center EHU was started when Louise Grizzell, Pauline Walker, Ann Marie Grizzell, Martina Tranbarger and Grace Estes met in the home of Martina Tranbarger with several Zook EHU members to help get the EHU organized.
The first meeting was on March 31, 1980 at the home of Louise Grizzell. Martina Tranbarger was elected President, Velda Ashworth, Vice-President, Ann Marie Grizzell, Sec.-Treas. and reporter. Club was to meet the 3rd Monday of each month with Martina and Ann Marie to be Homemakers Council members. In April 1981 the meeting date was changed to 2nd Wednesday.
The charter was received on May 7, 1981 with charter members: Louise Grizzell, Nina Seibert, Ann Marie Grizzell, Velda Ashworth, Kay Jean Bowman, Sharon Preston, Grace Estes, Jennie Walker, Pauline Walker, Martina Tranbarger and Barbara Jo Nelson.
Our club meets in the members homes each month. We’ve had food for farm sales, garage sales and food sales for fund raising projects. We donate to the many projects of the Pawnee County Council. Workers at the 4-H fair food booth each year, workers at the Craft day in October. We’ve toured Hudson Flour Mill, had annual picnics for family and Christmas party for husbands. At present time Nina Seibert is President and President of the Homemakers Council in Pawnee County; Pauline Walker is Vice-President and reporter; Ann Marie Grizzell is Secretary-Treasurer and Membership Chairman for Pawnee County and both Nina and Ann Marie are Council members. Other members at the present time
are: Carol Tranbarger, Kay Jean Bowman, Judy Seibert, Joy Sallee, Jennie Walker, Martina Tranbarger and Louise Grizzell.
History of Rose of Sharon Ch. #356, Macksville
Interested persons from Macksville met in the Masonic Hall July 23,1912 to petition for a Dispensation to the Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star of Kansas to institute a Chapter in Macksville. Officers from Henry Rohr Chapter #204, St. John, were authorized by the Grand Chapter to institute Rose of Sharon Chapter #356 Under Dispensation to continue until certain qualifications were met to qualify for a Charter. The Worthy Grand Patron, Robert Hendricks, appointed the first three officers: Mrs. Rhoda Hursh, Worth Matron; Mrs. Lou Ingles, Associate Matron and Mr. William L. Carter, Worth Patron. Twenty persons signed the petition aksing for the Dispensation. Then, the instituting ceremony proceeded with the Worthy Matron appointing the additional officers necessary for the Chapter. Those officers named were: Parthena Robertson, Secretary; Susie Crane, Treasurer; Mary A. Carter, Conductress; Samantha E. Crews, Associate Conductress; Helen A. Carter, Chaplain; Julia A. Carter, Adah; Hattie Guizlo, Ruth; Cathrine Muse, Esther, Rena DeBusk, Martha; May Green, Electa; Mollie Hatch, Warder; and John F. Ingles, Sentinel. Thirty members were received into the Order by December 31,1912.
The By-Laws formulated by the new Chapter stated that annual dues be $1.00 per annum and that stated meetings be held the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Later dues increased to $5.00 per annum and meeting dates changed to the first and third Monday nights of each month.
Additional activities were sponsored to replenish the finances such as an oyster supper with proceeds amounting to $26.36 and a box supper that added $20.55 to the treasurer.
On March 12,1913, there was a called meeting for the purpose of holding a School of Instruction and to exemplify the Work of the Order. Mrs. Lu P. Hendricks was present to instruct and guide the proceedings. The work was given with credit and the Chapter advised to apply for its Charter which was granted May 16, 1913. 33 members were on the roll at that time. Carrie Rothrock who died in 1981 was one of the first year members, joining in October 22,1912.
Many outstanding meetings have been held during the years honoring Worthy Grand Matrons, Worth Grand Patrons, distinguished guests and for the presentation of 50-year pins. A total of 452 persons have signed the membership roll. At the close of 1982 the current membership roll totaled 120 persons. Eighteen of those on the roll hold Life Memberships which are granted by the Grand Chapter after one has served 50 years.
The Chapter has been honored to have had the following members serve as Grand Officers: Sam G. Wiles, Elected Worthy Grand Patron in 1945: Grace O. Keller Appointed Grand Ruth in 1945 and Wanda Lee
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Grizzell appointed Grand Adah in 1977. Through the years at least twenty-six other members have been appointed to serve in offices such as: Grand Representatives, Grand Guards, Grand Tellers, Grand Pages and District Aides.
Rose of Sharon Chapter has been a meaningful organization in the life of the members and has reached out beyond its doors to fields of service. Due to changes in times and a need for a new meeting place, since the hall is to be torn down, it was deemed advisable to unite with another Chapter. The proper procedure recommended by the Grand Chapter was followed and resident members accepted the invitation to unite with the Larned Chapter. On February 17 at 8:00 p.m., a special uniting ceremony is to be held at Larned and all Rose of Sharon Members will become members of the White Cross Ch. No. 219. It is hoped many members will attend this uniting meeting.
On January 3, 1983, 7:30 p.m., the final meeting of Rose of Sharon Chapter No. 356, Macksville, was held in the Macksville Masonic Hall. The following members were present: Ruth Van Winkle, W.M.; Lloyd Van Winkle, W.P.; Louise Grizzell, A.M.; Chester Junior Grizzell, A.P.;
Lela Neelly, Secretary; Roy Prescott, Treasurer; Wanda Lee Grizzell as Conductress; Kenneth Goertz, Chaplain; Margaret Tucker, Marshal; Lillian Fred as organist; Jane Goertz, Adah; and Eugene Grizzell, Sentinel.
Joan Dunn, Past Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of Kansas was present and presided during the formal procedure recommended for the closing of a Chapter. After due time for discussion, a motion was made and seconded to unite the Rose of Sharon Chapter with the Larned Chapter. The vote was unanimous in favor. The proper invitation was received.
The Uniting Ceremony was held February 17, 1983 at which time all members on the roll of Rose of Sharon Chapter No. 356, O.E.S., officially became members of White Cross Chapter No. 219 at Larned. Several Macksville members were present for the impressive welcoming ceremony conducted by Worthy Matron, Daisy Atteberry assisted by Worthy Patron, Darrel At-teberry and other Chapter members. A social time followed the closing of chapter and delicious refreshments were served.
Lela R. Neelly
Back row: Becky Parker, Ann Merrick, Donna Clark, Cheryl Skalsky, Linda Pentz, Peggy Wilson. Front row: Mary Tudor, Linda Redger, Denice Bevan, Deena Dutton.
The Junior Mothers Club sponsored by the Mothers Council of Macksville, met with Mrs. Arden Reiman, April 29, 1947, for the purpose of organizing. Mrs. Reiman was elected as the first president; with Mrs. Archie Shephard, as vice president; secretary, Mrs. Leslie Smith; treasurer, Mrs. Philip Helwig.
The first year charter members are as follows; Betty Amerine, Esther Biggs, Barbara Clark, Gladys Darling,
Not pictured: Susan Smith, Lynette Gibson, Elaine Miller, Carol Peterson.
Lorena Grizzell, Freda Helwig, Dorothy Reiman, Betty Seibert, June Seibert, Geraldine Shepard, Clarice Smith, Dorothy Sparks (Mrs. Paul), Evelyn West, Darlyn Campbell and Hazel Lucas.
The Clubs Motto suggested by June Seibert “Striving for Better Homes,” club colors, pink and blue; club flower, Sweet Pea; club song, "America the Beautiful.”
The Junior Mothers Club was organized with the purpose of bringing young married women together to study the problems of educating and rearing a family
and providing the best home possible for our family.
Projects that we have sponsored was the organizing of the P.T.A. in Macksville. A committee was selected to plan and meet with other clubs to have their help in getting a P.T.A. started in our schools. The Junior Mothers Club held the first meeting and we had a very good response from the community, thus the P.T.A. was formed.
We also helped to move and get the library books repaired when our city library was moved to its present building. Many long hours were spent gluing and repairing books. We have purchased several books both for children and adults.
The Jr. Mothers Club has helped with the March of Dimes for several years by having a Mothers March
covering the city of Macksville.
In 1985 the name was changed from Jr. Mothers Club to Mothers Club. Officers for this year are President Deena Dutton, Vice President Mary Tudor, Sec. Linda Pentz and Treas. Linda Redger. Our projects are party at Parkview, helping C of C with Easter egg hunt, homemade ice cream at Homecoming and sponsoring the Little Mr. and Miss Homecoming Pageant at Homecoming.
We, the Mothers Club of Macksville, have tried to support all of the worthwhile projects in Macksville and will continue to do so for the betterment of family living.
Part was written by Dorothy Reiman in 1958 rest was taken from yearbook.
Back row, left to right: Cindy Wood, Chris Hogan, Debbie Bright, Debbie Suiter, Natalie Wood and Wilma Cales. Middle row. left to right: Myra Schmidt, Jana
Lamb, Mary Tudor, Emma Doran, Shelia Wood, Jane Keller. Front row, left to right: Debbie Grizzell, Nancy Smith, Karen Mastin, Virginia Hoover.
Cameo Club, a Kansas Federated Women’s Club, has been actively involved in the community of Macksville since March 22,1976, when the club was organized with 16 charter members, and Patricia Teeter, the president.
Through the years, there have been several new faces, with an average of 15 -18 members, who have given their ideas, time, work, and dedication to the many activities and projects Cameo Club has been involved with. Cameo Club has a yearly Style Show for the community, a food booth at Homecoming, a Welcome Wagon for
new families, a scholarship for high school seniors, a fund for park equipment, and at the Grade School provide an Emergency Trunk and help at Play Day.
Cameo Club has also had a community Babysitting Clinic and CPR Awareness program, have served coffee and made items for veterans, have given gifts to Rest Home residents, have helped with Bloodmobiles and Red Cross drives, have an art display by high school students, have sponsored art and music students in federation contests, and work toward and make contributions to other federation projects.
Informative, interesting, and enlightning programs
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have been enjoyed by Cameo Club members and occasional guests. Fun times such as Christmas parties, with husbands, international buffets, a fondue party, outings to the Cosmosphere, bowling and eating out, etc, have made Cameo Club exciting. Something also very special between members is secret sisters, exchanging gifts at special times during the year.
Cameo Club has been very active in the community, and even though the work is demanding at times, the members also have fun and many rewarding experiences; and are looking forward to the future years in the Macksville community.
Mrs. Grace Goudy was awarded a real orchid April 1, 1954 from the Good Neighbor Club sponsored by Radio Station KANS Wichita for her years of tireless efforts to be a good neighbor in spite of her age and other handicaps.
As a community we are celebrating our Centennial this year. As we share in joy and celebrations we as a people take this opportunity to give a special honor and rememberance of all the servicemen who gave of themselves from this community of Macksville, Kansas.
We are proud of all those who have served in virtually every branch of the military. From our inception, as a community, we have had those who have served all over the world and in every war our great nation has fought. Some of the early pioneers were Civil War Veterans. We had those who in the pioneer years of our community served in World War I. In 1941 the world would again be engulfed in war. The United States of America itself would be attacked. Our community proved again our loyalty to our great country as many served in World War
II insuring our peace and safety. In 1950 we would again send men, this time to the Korean conflict, and most recently the war in Vietnam.
As we celebrate our first Centennial let us see that his special blessing would not be possible without those who gave of themselves in war times and in peace years to serve our country faithfully. Let us pause in our celebration as we pay special tribute to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom...their lives. Let us join our hearts in prayer that we would always sing the great song "America The Beautiful.” Place our belief in our nations motto..."In God We Trust." That those who served in our armed forces and those who gave their very lives would not have served in vain! MAY GOD BLESS OUR SERVICEMEN.
Macksville Supports War
The Macksville community sent, not only its young men to serve its country, but they gave in every possible way to the war effort.
Iron was a major war need.
There were “iron drives” going on continually throughout the years of 1942 to 1945.
In order to find, secure and ship scrap iron many programs were established. Contest between counties and towns were held, prizes given, days were proclaimed, and schools and businesses were closed in order to promote the drive to “get out all the scrap iron.”
Oct. 8, 1942 was proclaimed “Scrap Metal Day” by Mayor Lamb. All businesses and schools were closed so that everyone was free to turnout and collect.
From Oct. 8 to Oct. 15, 1942 the city and community turned in 140 tons of scrap metal. That was an average of 400 pounds per person.
All types of scrap was salvaged and donated. Cars, trucks, tractors, old parts, anything made of iron was brought in for collection.
With slogans like “A Little Scrap might get that Jap" and “an old discarded metal object might be the very thing that would mean the life of your boy or mine" how could anyone fail to not contribute?
Cash prizes were awarded to the best collectors.
Macksville was a winner in the county drive and the prize was the submission of the city name to be given to a new cruiser if the occasion arose and if a cruiser was built.
Railroads shipped the iron. After the iron was collected it had to be sorted and loaded onto rail cars. The rail yard was the collection point.
Town’s men had to do the work of sorting and loading. On Dec. 3, 1942 a call went out for two Caterpillar tractors and 50 men. It took three days of very hard work for the task to be completed.
Iron was shipped to Minnequa, Colo, and tin and cast metals were shipped to foundries.
The Macksville community supported the war effort with its best intentions and whole heartedly.
By Anita Sewing