Digital Macksville

Macksville, Kansas

16- Present Business Men and Women


16- Present Business Men and Women


Macksville, Kansas -- History

Macksville, Kansas Centennial

Stafford County, Kansas


Section of the Macksville Centennial Book dealing with present business men and women [1986].


Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press


Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas


Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas











Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press, “16- Present Business Men and Women,” Digital Macksville, accessed January 30, 2025,

Great Western Livery Barn. Left to right Glenn Wood, Geo. Cummins and Nolan Cummins. Note this is now Walker Bros. Taken in 1920’s.
Present Business Men and Women
Beauticians since 1959, other than the ones pictured were Jackie Goodyear, Patsy Roberts, Joelle Williams, Janet Harrison, Mary Jo Gibson, Sandy Hogan, Chris Stegman, Connie Grizzell, Kay Higbie, Darlene Garcia, Rolinda Sherwood, Jean Smith, Pat Seibert.
Pictured is Mary Jo Hankla, owner of Mary’s Beauty Salon since 1959.
Bill and Doris Parker. Parker Fertilizer 1966, 1971 Bill’s Tank Service. Sold to son Charles Parker 1981, now Parker Ag.
Cobweb Shop, former Ernest Antiques. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gibson.
Phylee’s. Phylis Suiter 1983.
Macksville State Bank began 1892. Larry Schmidt, president June 1975, Lahoma Meyer 3 years 1983, Mareita Johnson 1977, Wilma Cales 1973, Richard Weers 1979, Karen Mastin 1984.
Dab Oil Co., Tracy Bright, David Deighton, bought in Nov. 1982.
English Grain built 1956. Jerry Mollenkamp, manager, Aug. 1984; Connie Lynn, 5 years; Pete Haynes, 1 year, Jr. Swartz, 12 years.
Edna’s Place, 17 years. Mildred Tillery, Nancy Om-stead, owner 1978, Edna Woods, cook, Helen Kearns.
Goudy Jewelry, Virginia and Virgil Goudy. Began jewelry business in 1935, moved to home 1960.
Lois Tidwell, This ’N That Shop, opened Nov. 4,1972.
Continental Telephone Company of Kans. Inc. Fiedellas Loy • 1978.
Tanna Fisher, Jan. 1982.
David Crockett, June 1985. Local representative for KPL Kansas Power and Light.
Cable TV 1979. George and David Cutright from St. John.
Country Store, Vickie and Dean Kinzie, owners, Aug. 1983, daughter and Erin Wright.
Macksville Lumber Co., Trev and Jeannie Rybacki, Fall 1985.
Mike Johnson • 4 years • Macksville Lumber Co., changed hands in fall 1985. Macksville has had a Lumber Yard for 75 years.
A & S Repair. Linus Scheck, owner, Pat Scheck, Jay Scheck, Jeff Scheck, August 1961.
Nancy and T.J. Rawlins, Eddie Walker, owner and son Rick, Walker Mfg.
Charlie Parker, 1981, Parker Ag Service
Bunge Corp. David Redger, Manager May 1983 • Jan. 20,1986.
David Redger, Wayne Oak, managers of Bunge Corp.
Ollie and Ruth Van Arsdale, 1958, Van Arsdale Motors.
Lucy’s Sundries, Lucy Parker 1964.
Macksville Enterprise. Betty Young • staff, Sandra Franz • Editor and publisher, Jan. 1,1985 to Dec. 1,1985. Sold to David Kazmaier, publisher, Betty Young, staff.
Les Deighton Sales and Repair, Dale Deighton. Les Deighton, owner 1981. Worked for Macksville Mfg. April 1973. Wegele mower was a 36 year old business.
Rick’s Repair 1980. Rick Hudson and sons, left, Jason, right, Jarrett. Rick’s Grandad George Hudson and Dad bought the business in 1952.
Hair Stable. Linda Satterlee, owner, 6 years, 1979.
Lucas Catering 1975. Dick and Hazel Lucas.
Mitch Minnis • Minnis Chapel, 4th generation funeral director, Macksville June 1985.
Farmers & Merchants Bank. Back row, Don Peterson, President 15 years, Jim VanArsdale, June 1974, Mike Watkins; middle row, Dean Rothrock 35 years, 1950; Janet Walker, July 1985 (part time); Carol Gingrich, Janet Hudson, fulltime in 1984; Barbara Deighton, 13 years; front, Diane Stapleton, 1 year.

Wellman Trash Service. Bob Wellman, owner 3 years. Don Overby • Also Sound Co. Production lighting, Dean Overby
C.O. Mammel Food Store. John Drake, manager, Lenore Ryder, Viola Dove, Rebecca Drake. John Drake bought Mammels 11-11-85. Now called John’s Grocery.
Don and Farol Tillery at the New Red Barn. Don and Farol owned Don’s Jack & Jill 1966-1970 and The Country Store 1975 -1983.
Jim Clark, Gene Keller and Fred Clark. Clark Flying Service, crop and spraying, spring 1949.
Parade at the 50th anniversary.