Digital Macksville

Macksville, Kansas

4- Farmington Cemetery


4- Farmington Cemetery


Macksville, Kansas -- History

Macksville, Kansas Centennial

Stafford County, Kansas


Section in the Macksville Centennial Book dealing with Farmington Cemetery.


Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press, Inc.


Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas


Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas











Stafford County, Kansas

Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press, Inc., “4- Farmington Cemetery,” Digital Macksville, accessed January 21, 2025,

John Harden “Hardy” Starke, Franklin Stanley, George E. Mack.
Taken from Macksville Enterprise of June 5,1924.
Memorial Monument Dedicated: Lest We Forget, 1861,1898,1917.
The dedication of the monument, which has been erected at Farmington Cemetery in memory of the soldiers, sailors, and marines of the Civil, Spanish-American and World War, took place on Decoration Day. It was dedicated with suitable ceremony.
In the beginning it was the idea that a much more pretentious monument be erected. But conditions were such that it was seen that it could not be accomplished for many years. There are only a few remaining old soldiers and it was the desire of the women who represented them on the committee that the monument be erected while they yet were living. Four of the remaining five veterans--J.H. Starke, Geo. E. Mack, Franklin Stanley and P.H. Hill were present at the dedicatory services. Services were in charge of the Thos. E. Wilder, Post American Legion. Rev. N.S. Gardner, pastor of the Methodist Church at Garden City, made the address, dedicating the monument to the memory of those who lie in Flanders Fields and other foreign lands, those who are buried in home lands and to those who yet live to lift up the cross. The afternoon program was held in the Christian Church. His address was “Saving Our Patriotism”. Rev. N.S. Gardner was pastor of the Methodist Church 1920 until March 1922.
During the years various memorials have been given to the cemetery. March 4,1925, Mrs. A.J. Smith’s gift offer for a cemetery entrance and fence for the west end of cemetery was accepted. Memorial to A.J. Smith in 1935. And in 1957 Memorial to Jay T. Smith was given by Irma Smith.
Memorial given by Emil and Mary Frick in 1951. Income from a quarter of land for upkeep of cemetery.
A shop was built, and monument put in center of cemetery on south side.
Memorial fund given to cemetery by Cora and Willie Ernst and many other memorials have been given to the cemetery association thru the years.
Northwest gate was given in 1983, by Irma I. Smith.
Memorial Monument given in 1970 by: Mr. W.C. Dillon, Mrs. Cena Hoover, Mrs. Irma I. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. K.H. Petro. “Lest we forget the men and women who served in defense of their country.”
On a Saturday night, September 9th, 1984, the Farmington Cemetery was vandalized. (192) one hundred ninety-two stones turned over or broken. They were all repaired, replaced, and put back, by individuals, McCarty Memorial of Hutchinson and Pratt Memorial of Pratt, Kansas. Many donations were received from kind and concerned friends and relatives to help with the restoring of their nice cemetery.
Present Board Members of the Cemetery are: President: Edgar T. Preston, Vice President, Donald Sparks, Treasurer: Dean Rothrock, Member Rick Hudson and Irma I. Smith who has been on the board for many, many years having started with the Flower Club in 1929.
The earliest records of Farmington Cemetery are recorded in Stafford, Co., Courthouse, St. John, Ks. Land was purchased December 30th, 1882 from E.H. Young and his wife, Jessie E. Young, Deeded and sold for (8) eight dollars. Second record is May 8, 1922, from William A. Suiter and his wife, Nora Alice Suiter. Additional land was later purchased from Mrs. Floy Hanson by Mrs. Irma I. Smith.
Partial list of Trustees, Directors of Cemetery board: Creed Starke, J.A. Hopley, Geo. E. Mack, F.J. Benscoter, A. Goudy, C.A. Wiley, W.T. English, W.A. Suiter, S.A. Nolder, W.E. Biggs, John Ingles, A.E. Pitts, W.T. Jennings, John McComas, Joe English, Fin. Holderness, Geo. Holderness, Fred B. Lamb, Ed Westgate, John McMorran, A.G. English, A. Goudy, C.A. Satterlee, J.J.
Sweasey, Walter Welch, R.T. Anderson, Scott Tucker, S.G. Wiles, Charles Starke, Edgar T. Preston, Donald Sparks, Dean Rothrock, Verlan Tucker, Bernard Breiten-bach, Wilbur Wood, David J. Preston, Rick Hudson, Irma I. Smith, A. Goudy served as secretary from 1908 until 1935. April 28,1917 the Macksville Flower Club met with cemetery board. Partial list of members: Mrs. Hibbs, Mrs. Hursh, Mrs. Ingles, Mrs. Jennings. Tom Wilson was hired as sexton by Flower Club for season of 1918 for 4 months or longer. In April, 1922, plans for corporation with Flower Club for the purpose of getting lot assessment outside of Flower Club. Balance in treasurers report at the end of this year was $527.78. Meetings were generally held once a year in early years, December, then January, April, occasionally a special meeting was called. Partial list of Flower Club members: Mrs. Reese, Miss Ruth Carpenter, Mrs. Belle Biggs, Mrs. W.E. Biggs, Mrs. McNinch, Mrs. Eliza Ault-man, Mrs. Fred Lamb, Mrs. Chas Starke, Mrs. Belle Welch. In April 27th, 1929, Mrs. Jay Smith and Mrs. F.L. Smith were new members of Flower Club to attend cemetery meetings.
In 1887 lots sold for $2.50, in 1900 lots sold for $5.00, in 1910 lots sold for $15.00. At Cemetery meeting held April 28, 1928, a motion made and seconded to raise price from $15.00 to $25.00 in new addition. Balance in Treasurers fund at this meeting was $210.85. In 1942 lots sold for $35.00. Later price was $50.00 and in new addition lots are $100.00. Lot size is 15 x 15.
Partial list of sextons: Henry Parker, 1911, $40.00 per month, in 1914 he was paid $9.00 per week, Tom Wilson, Henry Bates. L. Hilliary, Chet Haynes, W.P. Helwig, Bill Richard, Gib Burns, Elsie Burns hired as sexton in 1953 and still is. Julius Whitmarsh, grave digger. Friends and neighbors dug graves also. Gus Sewing and Clinton DeBusk made cement vaults for graves.
Some early burials in the Cemetery are Amasa Blount who first was buried at Livingston and then transferred to Farmington Cemetery. He died Sept. 12, 1880, age 58 years, 6 mo. 14 days. Lemon McNinch, 1880, and daughter Kitty 1880. Pearl, daughter of W.A. Carpenter, 2 yrs, 27 days, Oct. 17,1883.
Annual and regular meeting held once a year (at same time) Balance on hand at end of year. Dec. 8,1900, $1.47; Dec. 9, 1901, $4.92; Dec. 8, 1902, $22.31; Dec. 8, 1903, $60.00.
Motions carried from Dec. 8, 1903 meeting -- 1. use lots not paid for to bury paupers in. 2. Allow secretary 25 cents for locating lots. 3. Allow Notary 15 cents for acknowledging deed.
Motion carried from Dec. 4,1904 meeting. Put up a 20 ft. steel tower windmill and medium sized tank, also a water pail for use of cemetery.
Motion carried from May 3rd, 1912 meeting: Hitch racks be made full length of front of cemetery and same to be of good posts and No. 9, smooth wire, 2 strands. Henry Parker hired as sexton for 4 months at $9.00 per week.
Motion carried from May 3rd, 1924 meeting. All lots paid for in cash when selected. Secretary issue a receipt for same until deed is given.
Motion carried from April 23,1932 meeting. Secretary received $1.00 for each lot sold.
Motion carried from April 25,1935 meeting. Cemetery board be impowered to pay sexton from general fund as needed and not paid by Flower Club.
Cemetery Budget, District 11, year 1941 -$715.58; 1942-$1105.00; 1943-$1400.60; 1950-$2765.00; 1958-$3805.00; 1970-$5210.00; 1980-$6572.00; 1985-$11,411.00.
The History of the Macksville City Library 1935-1985
The Macksville Community Library was organized in January of 1935, sponsored by clubs and organizations of the community. Its first home was in the annex of the grade school, which later became the lunch room.
A library board was formed, which consisted of one member from each of the organizations: Ethel Wilson, Summit Club, Charter Member; Leona Smith, Mothers Club; John McMorran, Lions Club; Ben Holland, City of Macksville; Fern Galloway, American Legion Aux.; Mrs. Shurtleff, Research Club; Laureen Yeager, Eastern Star; Miss Nafzinger, School Board. Doris (Preston) Tucker was the first librarian. Brunetta Jimison of Stafford supplied the professional expertise to repair and organize the books for use.
A silver tea was held on February 9, 1935 for the official opening of the library. Finances for the library were obtained from donations, silver teas, plays, picture shows, tag days and other fund raising projects for the purchase of books and operating expenses.
In April of 1937 aid for the library was received from a City levy. In order to receive the aid from the levy, the library was placed under the jurisdiction of City officials, who appointed a library board. The name was then changed to the Macksville City Library. Generous donations to the library were adequate to cover expenses, and the tax levy was dropped. In 1958 City aid again became necessary, and a one mill tax was levied. In 1984 this levy was increased to two mills.
The library was housed in the school until January of 1950, when it was moved to the City Building. In 1958

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