Digital Macksville

Macksville, Kansas

5- Macksville City Library


5- Macksville City Library


Macksville, Kansas -- History

Macksville, Kansas Centennial

Stafford County, Kansas


Section of the Macksville Centennial Book dealing with the history of the Macksville City Library


Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press, Inc.


Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas


Macksville City Library, Macksville, Kansas











Stafford County, Kansas

Macksville History Committee and The Lewis Press, Inc., “5- Macksville City Library,” Digital Macksville, accessed January 21, 2025,

Sweasey, Walter Welch, R.T. Anderson, Scott Tucker, S.G. Wiles, Charles Starke, Edgar T. Preston, Donald Sparks, Dean Rothrock, Verlan Tucker, Bernard Breiten-bach, Wilbur Wood, David J. Preston, Rick Hudson, Irma I. Smith, A. Goudy served as secretary from 1908 until 1935. April 28,1917 the Macksville Flower Club met with cemetery board. Partial list of members: Mrs. Hibbs, Mrs. Hursh, Mrs. Ingles, Mrs. Jennings. Tom Wilson was hired as sexton by Flower Club for season of 1918 for 4 months or longer. In April, 1922, plans for corporation with Flower Club for the purpose of getting lot assessment outside of Flower Club. Balance in treasurers report at the end of this year was $527.78. Meetings were generally held once a year in early years, December, then January, April, occasionally a special meeting was called. Partial list of Flower Club members: Mrs. Reese, Miss Ruth Carpenter, Mrs. Belle Biggs, Mrs. W.E. Biggs, Mrs. McNinch, Mrs. Eliza Ault-man, Mrs. Fred Lamb, Mrs. Chas Starke, Mrs. Belle Welch. In April 27th, 1929, Mrs. Jay Smith and Mrs. F.L. Smith were new members of Flower Club to attend cemetery meetings.
In 1887 lots sold for $2.50, in 1900 lots sold for $5.00, in 1910 lots sold for $15.00. At Cemetery meeting held April 28, 1928, a motion made and seconded to raise price from $15.00 to $25.00 in new addition. Balance in Treasurers fund at this meeting was $210.85. In 1942 lots sold for $35.00. Later price was $50.00 and in new addition lots are $100.00. Lot size is 15 x 15.
Partial list of sextons: Henry Parker, 1911, $40.00 per month, in 1914 he was paid $9.00 per week, Tom Wilson, Henry Bates. L. Hilliary, Chet Haynes, W.P. Helwig, Bill Richard, Gib Burns, Elsie Burns hired as sexton in 1953 and still is. Julius Whitmarsh, grave digger. Friends and neighbors dug graves also. Gus Sewing and Clinton DeBusk made cement vaults for graves.
Some early burials in the Cemetery are Amasa Blount who first was buried at Livingston and then transferred to Farmington Cemetery. He died Sept. 12, 1880, age 58 years, 6 mo. 14 days. Lemon McNinch, 1880, and daughter Kitty 1880. Pearl, daughter of W.A. Carpenter, 2 yrs, 27 days, Oct. 17,1883.
Annual and regular meeting held once a year (at same time) Balance on hand at end of year. Dec. 8,1900, $1.47; Dec. 9, 1901, $4.92; Dec. 8, 1902, $22.31; Dec. 8, 1903, $60.00.
Motions carried from Dec. 8, 1903 meeting -- 1. use lots not paid for to bury paupers in. 2. Allow secretary 25 cents for locating lots. 3. Allow Notary 15 cents for acknowledging deed.
Motion carried from Dec. 4,1904 meeting. Put up a 20 ft. steel tower windmill and medium sized tank, also a water pail for use of cemetery.
Motion carried from May 3rd, 1912 meeting: Hitch racks be made full length of front of cemetery and same to be of good posts and No. 9, smooth wire, 2 strands. Henry Parker hired as sexton for 4 months at $9.00 per week.
Motion carried from May 3rd, 1924 meeting. All lots paid for in cash when selected. Secretary issue a receipt for same until deed is given.
Motion carried from April 23,1932 meeting. Secretary received $1.00 for each lot sold.
Motion carried from April 25,1935 meeting. Cemetery board be impowered to pay sexton from general fund as needed and not paid by Flower Club.
Cemetery Budget, District 11, year 1941 -$715.58; 1942-$1105.00; 1943-$1400.60; 1950-$2765.00; 1958-$3805.00; 1970-$5210.00; 1980-$6572.00; 1985-$11,411.00.
The History of the Macksville City Library 1935-1985
The Macksville Community Library was organized in January of 1935, sponsored by clubs and organizations of the community. Its first home was in the annex of the grade school, which later became the lunch room.
A library board was formed, which consisted of one member from each of the organizations: Ethel Wilson, Summit Club, Charter Member; Leona Smith, Mothers Club; John McMorran, Lions Club; Ben Holland, City of Macksville; Fern Galloway, American Legion Aux.; Mrs. Shurtleff, Research Club; Laureen Yeager, Eastern Star; Miss Nafzinger, School Board. Doris (Preston) Tucker was the first librarian. Brunetta Jimison of Stafford supplied the professional expertise to repair and organize the books for use.
A silver tea was held on February 9, 1935 for the official opening of the library. Finances for the library were obtained from donations, silver teas, plays, picture shows, tag days and other fund raising projects for the purchase of books and operating expenses.
In April of 1937 aid for the library was received from a City levy. In order to receive the aid from the levy, the library was placed under the jurisdiction of City officials, who appointed a library board. The name was then changed to the Macksville City Library. Generous donations to the library were adequate to cover expenses, and the tax levy was dropped. In 1958 City aid again became necessary, and a one mill tax was levied. In 1984 this levy was increased to two mills.
The library was housed in the school until January of 1950, when it was moved to the City Building. In 1958
Mrs. Irma Smith purchased the U.B. Church and School building, built in 1927, which was located in the Valley Center community. This she donated to the City for their new library and arranged for it to be moved to a lot deeded to the City by Mrs. A.G. English for the location of a City Library.
Mrs. Irma Smith, Macksville City Library’s greatest benefactress, at the Library’s 50th Anniversary Open House.
Months of arduous labor by the librarian, Mrs. Carrie Biggs, clubs and individuals preceded the opening of the new library in July of 1958. During the following months many improvements in the interior were made, such as installation of a furnace, rest room, fixtures and furniture with the help of the community and interested citizens, improvements have continued through the years. In 1962 a cement walk was laid, and a new tile floor in 1963. The Cloverleaf 4-H Club donated an electric wall clock that year. In 1966 to new lights were installed, and about ten years later the flourescent lights currently in use were installed. In 1970 the roof was shingled, and in 1972 the Contemporary EHU donated a book depository. New steps were built in 1979, and in 1982 the Lions Club painted the outside of the building. A year later new blinds were installed at the windows through the effort and generosity of everyone in the community who donated money and food, which was sold at bake sales. Mrs. Irma Smith donated a typewriter in 1984 and another fine gift for our 50th birthday. The librarians, library board members and patrons of the library have been and are deeply grateful for the support and generosity of these and the numerous other unnamed groups and individuals who have helped to make our library a pleasant place to browse and select books for many hours of enjoyable reading.
Along with the physical improvements in the library building have been improvements in the ability of the
staff to serve the patrons more effectively. In 1966 the non-fiction books were cataloged by the Dewey Decimal System into categories, and a card file was set up so the patrons and staff can quickly determine if the library owns a certain book and where it would be located. In 1974 our library joined the South Central Kansas Library System headquartered in Hutchinson. This allows us to have the rotation of over 300 additional books every two months from the book truck. Any book in any library in the nation is available to our patrons through inter-library loan, although if a search is made out of Kansas, a fee is charged the patron. Our library has recently been the beneficiary of a grant from the System, which will allow us to purchase a new set of World Book Encyclopedias and a new unabridged dictionary. These will be on our shelves in early summer.
Since the opening of the library in 1935, the following have served as librarians: Mrs. Walter Tucker, Mrs. Shur-tleff, Mrs. Katherine Commons, Mrs. Carrie Biggs, Bea Clark, Mrs. Mildred (Roach) Carver, Mrs. Pat Scheck, Mrs. Irabel Oak and Mrs. Ilene Charron.
Board members serving during the library’s 50th year are Betty Adams, Chairwoman, Blanche Suiter, Secretary, Georgia Sherwood, Treasurer, LaVerne Miles, Donna Mollencamp, Irma Smith, and Ruth Waters. Judy Hall and Linda Redger will replace Betty Adams and Ruth Waters in May, when a new election of officers will also be held.
Library Board members in 1985: Front row-Blanche Suiter, Betty Adams, Irma Smith, Ruth Waters. Back row: Linda Redger, Georgia Sherwood, Ilene Charron, Librarian, and Donna Mollencamp. Judy Hall and LaVerne Miles were not present when the picture was taken.
The total number of books in our library at the end of 1984 was 9,404. 220 of these were purchased that year and/or donated by clubs and individuals. Several of
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these were given as a memorial to friends and loved ones. We have made no attempt to count the many paperback books donated to us by individuals and other libraries. In 1984 we loaned 2997 adult and young adult books, 1088 juvenile books, 99 magazines, and we loaned one book to another library. 136 books were borrowed on interlibrary loan from other libraries, and 9 requests for photocopies were filled.
The Open House held at the library on April 17, 1985 honored both the library’s 50th anniversary and National Library Week. Cake and cookies, coffee and punch were served to 41 well-wishers. We want to thank everyone for taking the time during a very busy day to celebrate with us.
The library hours are Monday, 2:00-5:00 P.M.; Wednesday, 5:00-8:00 P.M.; and Saturday, 2:00-5:00 P.M. We now have a telephone, donated by the English Grain Company, for the convenience of patrons to call in and renew their books during library hours. The number is 348-3555. Come to the library and help us get a good start on our next 50 years.
“The books you read,
Though you may not possess them on a shelf,
Are truly yours,
For they become the treasures of yourself.” MACKSVILLE EMS
First of all, the initials EMS stand for Emergency Medical Service. A number of people in the community in 1979 were interested in care for our people since we lost our ambulance service when Bernard Breitenbach passed away in November 1978 and new laws and regulations were established for Kansas ambulance services.
Since then the ambulance service has been supported through donations, time and service. A fund drive for the ambulance was launched in March 1979 and about $10,000 was collected. A 1969, used ambulance was purchased from Pratt and new equipment was purchased during the summer. In August, 1979 seven people started the class to become certified EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians). They attended 16 weeks of classes, six hours a week, two nights a week.
The first EMTs to be certified were Ralph Smith, Jerry Williamson, Martha Loy, Robert Wellman, Mary Pontius and Brad Brack. Thus the service was started in November 1979 with six volunteer EMTs. Martha Loy is the only one remaining with the service from this group.
At first dialing 348-2444 rang phones in the homes of the EMTs. Today we have pagers the EMTs carry. The base station is at Parkview Manor nursing home and it activates the pagers.
Our service primarily covers a 25-mile radius but will go where needed. Basically we are life support.
Three runs are the most the service has had in a 24-hour period. The ambulance averages about two runs a week. We have received calls from the Macksville, Belpre, Trousdale and Haviland areas. The patients are usually taken to the nearest hospital.
On July 2, 1981 the first EMT class was held in Macksville. Those attending and receiving certification were Joe Butler, Ray Rains, Fiedellas Loy, T.J. Rawlins, Nancy Rawlins, Judy Seibert, Sybil Vosburgh, Linda Satterlee and Rodney Satterlee.
Once you are certified as an EMT your schooling doesn’t stop there. Each year you are required to attend 9-20 clock hours for recertification.
Our service is using two EMTs and a driver on almost all runs. The state requires one EMT and a certified driver.
In August 1982 the Stafford County Commissioners purchased a new Wheeled Coach ambulance for our service from the Revenue Sharing Fund. They had previously purchased ambulances for the Stafford and St. John hospitals. We are all classified as Type II ambulance services.
Today the local service receives monies from billings, taxes in the county and donations. We receive $7200 from the county but $3000 must be set aside each year for a new ambulance whenever it is needed.
At the present time our local service has 8 voluntary EMTs, 11 voluntary drivers and 1 paid EMT. Certified EMTs are Donna Mollenkamp, Sybil Vosburgh, Martha Loy, Fiedellas Loy, John Drake, Judy Seibert, Nancy Rawlins, T.J. Rawlins, and Gary Nelson. Voluntary drivers are Jerel Hagerman, Donald Sparks, Bill Unruh, Russell Walker, Richard Lucas, Gerald Mollenkamp, Jane Keller, Ralph Jarboe, Mike Benzel, Jim Black and Rick Gibson. Shirley Black and Cathy Delgadillo have taken the EMT course and are currently taking the state board for certification as EMTs.
The EMS has 5-7 elected board of directors. They are Donald Sparks, Gary Nelson, Jerel Hagerman, Judy Seibert, Donna Mollenkamp, and Gerald Mollenkamp. The board of directors and officers are elected each year at our annual meeting which is November 1. Gerald Mollenkamp is our present president and Sybil Vosburgh is secretary-treasurer. John Drake is our training officer.
Written by Sybil Vosburgh
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